Crp Array Elisa Kit Rat

Rat Centriole and Centrosome Antibody IgG ELISA Kit

MBS013738-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Human IgG antibody Laboratories manufactures the crp array elisa kit rat reagents distributed by Genprice. The Crp Array Elisa Kit Rat reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact rat elisa. Other Crp products are available in stock. Specificity: Crp Category: Array Group: Elisa Kit

Rat True insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 5685

Rat True insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 485

Rat True insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 3020

Rat True insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 690

Human True Insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 6725

Human True Insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 550

Human True Insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 3420

Elisa Kit information

HCV core antigen array kit

VArk-Lsx002 unit Ask for price
Description: Measure the HCV core protein.

Array Designer

AD6 1
EUR 5097.6

Microalbuminuria antibody array kit

VArk-Lsx010 1 mg
EUR 502.8
Description: Used to detect early signs of kidney damage

Mouse LncRNA Profiler qPCR Array Kit (cDNA synthesis kit and qPCR array) 20 profiles

RA930A-1 20 profiles
EUR 1020

HIV-P24 antigen array kit

VArk-Lsx001 unit Ask for price
Description: Fourth-generation HIV immunoassays detect viral p24 protein in the blood.

UV Carboxyl Particle Array Kit

UVCPAK--5042-14K 14X1 mL
EUR 1533.6
Description: UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Multiple organs normal tissue array of rat

RA161 each
EUR 48
Description: Multiple organs normal tissue array of rat, 8 cases/16 cores

Multiple organs normal tissue array of rat

RA162 each
EUR 48
Description: Multiple organs normal tissue array of rat, 8 cases/16 cores

Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kit

CPAK-10067--13K 13X1 mL
EUR 1138.8
Description: Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kitare uniform particles, ranging in size from 0.05 um to 20 um, with surface functional groups such as carboxyl or amino groups for covalent coupling of proteins or other ligands.

Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kit

CPAK-3067--7K 7X1 mL
EUR 675.6
Description: Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kitare uniform particles, ranging in size from 0.05 um to 20 um, with surface functional groups such as carboxyl or amino groups for covalent coupling of proteins or other ligands.

Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kit

CPAK-3567--4K 4X1 mL
EUR 420
Description: Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kitare uniform particles, ranging in size from 0.05 um to 20 um, with surface functional groups such as carboxyl or amino groups for covalent coupling of proteins or other ligands.

Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kit

CPAK-3567--7K 7X1 mL
EUR 675.6
Description: Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kitare uniform particles, ranging in size from 0.05 um to 20 um, with surface functional groups such as carboxyl or amino groups for covalent coupling of proteins or other ligands.

Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kit

CPAK-4067--8K 8X1 mL
EUR 675.6
Description: Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kitare uniform particles, ranging in size from 0.05 um to 20 um, with surface functional groups such as carboxyl or amino groups for covalent coupling of proteins or other ligands.

Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kit

CPAK-5067--10K 10 mL
EUR 1126.8
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kit

CPAK-5067--5A 5X1 mL
EUR 675.6
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kit

CPAK-5067--5B 5X1 mL
EUR 675.6
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Carboxyl Blue Particle Array Kit

CPAK-7067--9K 9X1 mL
EUR 1126.8
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.