Tag: antibodies test for covid-19

Genetic basis of vascular bundle variations in rice revealed by genome-wide association study
The vascular bundles play necessary roles in transportation of photoassimilate, and the quantity, dimension, and capability of vascular bundles affect the transportation effectivity. Dissecting the genetic foundation could assist to make higher use of naturally occurring vascular bundle variations. Right here, we carried out a genome-wide affiliation examine (GWAS) of the vascular bundle variations in…
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Impacts of genomic networks governed by human-specific regulatory sequences and genetic loci harboring fixed human-specific neuro-regulatory single nucleotide mutations on phenotypic traits of modern humans
recent advances in the identification and characterization of the human DNA sequence-specific regulation set the stage for a global assessment of their impact on the physiology and pathology of modern humans. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) on 8405 35 074 human genes associated with neuro-regulatory-specific single nucleotide changes (hsSNCs) revealed numerous significant association with morphological…
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Genetic Diversity and Virulence Factors of S. aureus Isolated from Food, Humans, and Animals
Staphylococcus aureus is a commensal bacteria in humans and animals are able to adapt to several environments. The purpose of this study was to compare the genetic profile of diversity and virulence of S. aureus strains isolated from food (29 strains), men (43 strains), and animals (8 strains). 80 lipase producing strain belonging Biobank of…
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The role of Host Genetics in susceptibility to severe viral infections in humans and INSIGHTS into host genetics of severe COVID-19: A systematic review
Background: The vulnerability to a severe viral infection reported to be associated with genetic variants in immune response genes using case reports and studies GWAS. SARS-CoV-2 is a viral disease that appears that caused millions of COVID 19 cases worldwide. Approximately 15% of severe cases and some of them are accompanied by an immune system…
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Genetic variants of the human host influencing the coronavirus-associated phenotypes (SARS, MERS and COVID-19): rapid systematic review and field synopsis
The COVID 19th pandemic has strengthened interest in the biological mechanisms underlying the complex interactions between infectious agents and human hosts. The spectrum of phenotypes associated with SARS-CoV infection-2, from the absence of symptoms of severe systemic complications, raising questions about the extent to which the variable response to coronavirus (CoVs) is influenced by host…
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Flying Together: Drosophila as a Tool to Understand the Genetics of Human Alcoholism
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) demands huge toll on individuals, families, and communities. Genetic factors determine up to 60% of the individual’s risk of developing alcohol habits problematic. AUD effective prevention and treatment requires knowledge of the genes that the predisposition to alcoholism, alcohol plays a role in the response, and / or contribute to the…
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